Donations during COVID-19
- Ordering things off the wish list is still the best way to support the families with in-kind needs:
- Gift cards are always welcome!
- Groceries, Paper towels, Clorox wipes, TP, and other non-perishable essential donations can be dropped off into the new donations box
- Please contact the Donations team so they can be aware of the incoming donation (
- Donation box/storage bench is located to the right of the house brick stair case. There is a sign above.
- Operations team will be following a safety protocol to keep themselves and others safe
- Donations can be dropped off from the hours of 10am-5pm (operations will come at 1pm to empty the container)
- Perishable donations:
- Connect with Lauren at
- Non-essential donations: clothing, shoes, toys, and other gently used items are not accepted at this time
- We unfortunately do not have the bandwidth to process gently used or non-essential items